пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.

Weather poems and songs

Rain Rain

Rain rain
falls on the street,
mud in puddles
cleaning my feet.

Thunder thunder
rumble and roar,
close the windows
and lock the door.

Clouds clouds
black and gray,
heavy with water
to drop all day.

Sun sun
is breaking through,
clouds are moving,
the rain stops too.

Rainbow rainbow
across the sky,
see-through colours
to tickle my eyes.


Raindrops are such funny things.
They haven't feet or haven't wings.
Yet they sail throughout he air
With the greatest of ease,
And dance on the street
Wherever they please.

Let's Count the Raindrops

Let's count the raindrops
as they pour:
one million, two million,
three million, four.

Alan Benjamin

Little Raindrops

This is the sun, high up in the sky.
A dark cloud suddenly comes sailing by.
These are the raindrops,
Pitter, pattering down.
Watering the flower seeds
That grow under the ground.


When the rain comes down drip drop drip drop,
(flutter fingers down in front of you)
Windshield wipers flip flop flip flop,
(bend arms in front and move them side to side)
Boots in puddles plip plop plip plop,
(move feet up and down)
I wish the rain would never stop.
Drip drop drip, (use motions as you say it)
Flip flop flip,("" )
Plip plop plip plop, ("")
PLOP! (do the motions and jump)

Fun In the Rain

(to the tune of "Three Blind Mice")

Rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain
Dribble, dribble, sploosh!
Dribble, dribble, sploosh!
Grab your boots, your coat, and hat,
Jump in a puddle and go kersplat!
Stomp about and become a drowned rat,
Rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain.


Rain on the rooftops,
Rain on the trees.
Rain on the green grass,
But not on me!

White sheep, white sheep on a blue hill.
When the wind stops, you all stand still.
When the wind blows, you walk away slow.
White sheep, white sheep, where do you go?

Christina G. Rossetti


Raindrops, raindrops,
Falling all around,
Pitter-patter on the rooftops,
Pitter-patter on the ground.
Here is my umbrella,
It will keep me dry,
When I go walking in the rain,
I hold it up so high.

One spring day the big round sun
Winked at a cloud just for fun.
That dark gray cloud thundered and cried,
Scattering raindrops on all outside.
But when the sun peeked out from a sunset low
Together they both made a gay rainbow!

Oh, Rainbow(to the tune of "Oh, Christmas Tree")

Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow,
How lovely are your colours.
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow,
How lovely are your colours.
Purple, red and orange, too,
Yellow, green and blue so true.
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow,
 How lovely are your colours.

The Fog

I like the fog
It's soft and cool,
It hides everything
On the way to school.
I can't see a house
I can't see a tree,
Because the fog
Is playing with me.
The sun comes out
The fog goes away,
But it shall be back
Another day.

Thunder crashes.
Lightening flashes.
Rain makes puddles,
So I can make splashes.


What's fluffy, white, and floats up high,
Like piles of ice cream in the sky?
And when the wind blows hard and strong,
What brings the rain?
What brings the snow?
That showers down on us below?

One, Two

One, Two.
The west wind blew.
Three. Four.
The thunder's roar.
Five. Six. Seven.
Rain from heaven.
Eight. Nine. Ten.
Sunny again.

Alan Benjamin

Mr. Sun

Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. golden Sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. golden Sun,
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you
To please come out so
We can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. golden Sun,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on me!


Weather is hot,
Weather is cold,
Weather is changing
As the weeks unfold.

Skies are cloudy,
Skies are fair,
Skies are changing
In the air.

It is raining,
It is snowing,
It is windy
With breezes blowing.

Days are foggy,
Days are clear,
Weather is changing
Throughout the year!

Meish Goldish

Wonderful Weather

I like to watch the way the wind
can spin a weather vane.

I like to wear my big blue boots
to splash with in the rain.

I like to ride my bright red sled
on cold snowy days.

I like to feel the sun's warm rays
when I wade in the ocean waves.

Wind, rain, snow, and sun
Every kind of weather
is wonderful and fun!

Weather Song

(to the tune of "Oh My Darling")

What’s the weather?
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather, everyone?
Is it windy?
Is it cloudy?
Is there rain?
Or is there sun?

Whether the weather be mild or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.


Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

3 комментария:

  1. Какая подборка!!!! Прям копирую. Моя старшая после поездки за границу впечатлилась и хочет учить английский).. На курсы вести не хочу, мне еще ни одна программа не понравилась, сплошной примитив. Хочу поучить ее больше разговорному языку. Какие тебе учебники нравятся сейчас? У меня есть Бонк для малышей, но она не яркая для ребенка.

    1. Таня, для малышей надо купить книжку британского издательства. Мне нужно знать возраст и сколько лет уже учит английский. К учебнику прибавить чтение и видео. Более точно посоветую узнав возраст и уровень английского. А стихи надо просто читать, переводить, а самые любимые - учить)))

    2. Вика, прости, что так давно не заходила посмотреть ответ. Замоталась.
      Дочке 6 лет, уровня никакого, надо начинать с нуля. Знает hello, bye-bye, give me,please, ice-cream))). Хочу давать счет, цвета, что-то разговорное из разряда "Давай поиграем". Я тоже за английские учебники, но не знаю, что выбрать. Поэтому и обратилась к тебе. Они ж дорогие. Еще она ллюбит стихи-песенки. Покупала оксфордскую книгу Nursery Rhymes, но она не запоминает, а просто слушает)
